- certificate
- 1) довідка, сертифікат, свідоцтво (документ), посвідчення (документ); атестат; паспорт (устаткування)2) письмово засвідчувати (посвідчувати, підтверджувати); видавати письмове свідоцтво (посвідчення); атестувати (продукцію)•
certificate issued by authorities — свідоцтво, видане органом влади
certificate of expert's examination — акт експертизи
certificate of incapability for work — свідоцтво про непрацездатність
certificate of land registration — свідоцтво про реєстрацію земельної власності
certificate of pay and tax deducted — довідка про заробітну плату і утриманий податок
certificate of unfitness for work — довідка (свідоцтво) про непрацездатність
certificate of unserviceability — акт списання, акт про непридатність до експлуатації
- certificate for marriagecertificate of wage tax deduction — довідка про утримання податку із заробітної плати
- certificate fraud
- certificate holder
- certificate into chancery
- certificate of acknowledgement
- certificate of airworthiness
- certificate of annulment
- certificate of appointment
- certificate of appraisal
- certificate of audit
- certificate of authority
- certificate of authorship
- certificate of birth
- certificate of charges
- certificate of competence
- certificate of competency
- certificate of compliance
- certificate of conviction
- certificate of damage
- certificate of death
- certificate of deposit
- certificate of discharge
- certificate of domicile
- certificate of education
- certificate of evidence
- certificate of examination
- certificate of existence
- certificate of expediency
- certificate of export
- certificate of general conduct
- certificate of good conduct
- certificate of health
- certificate of identification
- certificate of identity
- certificate of incorporation
- certificate of indebtedness
- certificate of insurance
- certificate of judgement
- certificate of judgment
- certificate of legitimacy
- certificate of marriage
- certificate of measurement
- certificate of nationality
- certificate of naturalization
- certificate of origin
- certificate of poverty
- certificate of proprietorship
- certificate of public officer
- certificate of purchase/sale
- certificate of quality
- certificate of receipt
- certificate of registration
- certificate of registry
- certificate of rehabilitation
- certificate of release
- certificate of retrocession
- certificate of right
- certificate of share ownership
- certificate of stock
- certificate of taxation
- certificate of vaccination
- certificate of validity
- certificate receipt voucher
English-Ukrainian law dictionary.